Olsztyn ODR application was created by the Warmia and Mazury Agricultural Advisory Center, based in Olsztyn (WMODR) with the aim of farmers from the Warmia-Mazury.
The main function of the application is the possibility of arranging a meeting with the Advisor User WMODR the farm or at the headquarters of Advisors, as well as the ability of the user to participate in the training courses and conferences organized by WMODR.
The application is composed of several modules.
Module "Contacting adviser" - allows the user to arrange a meeting with Advisor. The user, for more efficient meetings, determines the thematic scope of the meeting. By default, the user is associated with an application Advisor working in the community, which pointed to user during registration. However, there is a choice of counselors from the county's. The meeting may take place in the farm's headquarters or advisors.
Module "Training" - allows the user to notify desire to participate in training courses and conferences organized by WMODR throughout the Warmia-Mazury. Saving data event takes place thanks to a button "Apply to participate." Information on the receipt of the notification or rejection (including the reason for the rejection) will be sent to you through the application. User two days before the event will receive a notification-reminder about the topic, date, place of event training or conference.
The module "My Calendar" - is a place where are saved automatically confirmed information about the meetings with the advisor, training courses and conferences, which were adopted on the application's desire to participate, dates sprayers certificates and insurance policies. The user may also add your own entries to the calendar.
Module "Resources" - allows the introduction of deadlines and dates of validation sprayers insurance policies. About the upcoming expiry dates listed, you will be informed in advance by the application of two, one-month and one week. The module also includes a calculator economic viability of the farm, the weather forecast shown on the basis of the current location of the user, as well as the function to add text notes and voice messages.
Module "Information" - contains two sections: News and Events. News - This is important news for the agri-food systematized by category: production technology, environmental protection, RDP, food, agricultural economics. Events are of important messages reminding appointments, for example. Call for proposals, trade fairs.
Module "Notifications" - is a collection of messages about arranging a meeting with the Advisor, reporting a desire to participate in training courses and conferences, calendar appointments (eg. Attestation policies, their own entries), announcements of competitions of knowledge available in the application.
Module "Pests" - contains messages about the occurrence of pests. Advisor pests spotter module that performs signaling - introduces the content of the message, the location (shown on the map) and a photo. Additionally, the application includes methods of integrated pest management in pdf format.
Application users can take part in competitions organized by WMODR knowledge, as well as to express opinions through a survey examining available, eg .: training needs of farmers and other rural residents, the quality fairs.